Virtual AGM 2021
Published 09:04 on 13 Feb 2021
CHRISTCHURCH SAILING CLUBVIRTUAL AGM 2021Thank you to everyone who joined us on the first ever virtual AGM, over 175 members were watching on screen via Zoom services provided by Eventbrite. It was really strange not having members there, just talking to a camera. We said goodbye to Jim Atkins and Ted Vary, our new commodore Bridget Allen thanked them both for their hard work, leadership and due diligence, steering the ship through both calm and troubled waters particularly last year during the pandemic. Congratulations to those Officers and committee members elected, the new committee membership including photos will soon be online. The 6 formal rule changes put forward from Gen Com and the proposal to reduce the subscription rate for the year 2021, were all passed by a majority vote of the membership. The The Aldridge Trophy for best log: Keith Mitchell The Paul Reakes Cruising Trophy awarded to Bill and Joy Watson in recognition of the distance they have sailed and areas visited over the years in Elementary. The Tom Drew Trophy in recognition of exceptional voluntary work in support of rule one and to the benefit of CSC by a member not on any committee went to Ian Wright, who has stood down this year from organising the Club Security Patrols keeping the club and members boats safe, however he will still be enjoying sailing his scow. |
Last updated 06:02 on 22 September 2022