The Board, Teams and Rules
Commodore: Keith Barkway,
Vice Commodore (Admin): Graham Smith
Rear Commodore (House): Simon Percival, Rear Commodore (Sailing): Ian Bray
Rear Commodore , (Hospitality) Steve Bradley, Rear Commodore (Finance): Kim Kendrick
Rear Commodore (Membership and Volunteers): Dan Sears,
Rear Commodore (Mooring
and Storage)
Phil Whiston
Rear Commodore (Sustainability): David Riley
Advisors: Lawrence Crapper, Adrian Dwyer, Martin Dancey
House Management Team
- Simon Percival
- Richard Stewart
- David Groom
- Dennis Daly
- Di Kerr
Moorings & Storage Team
- Phil Whiston
- Nick Woolley
- Luke Ridout
- Richard Stewart
- Keith Ganter
- Adrian Goodwin
Hospitality Team
- Steve Bradley
- Keith Barkway,
- Brenda Barkway
- Brian Horrocks
- Angie Silcox
- Phil Whiston
Sailing Team
- Ian Bray (Rear Commodore Sailing)
- Tony Milsom (Hawks)
- Keith Ganter (Cruisers)
- Russell New (Class 4)
- David Groom (Scows)
- Clare de la Feuillade and Mel Bray (Ladies)
- Elaine Browett (Class 5)
- Sally Davison (RYA Principal)
- Dan Sears (Junior Section)
Membership Volunteers and Projects Team
- Dan Sears.(Rear Commodore Membership)
- Claire Van Wingerden
- Vicky Holloway
- Richard Solomon
- Marion Cullingford
- Susan Fillery
- Richard Phillips
- Sally Davison
Sustainability Team
- David Riley
- Derrick Thorrington
- David Smith
- Martyn Bevan
- Paul Rushton
- Richard Phillips
- Mark Van Wingerden
To Contact your class captain, or any member of the committee please go to: Contact Us (The club office will put you in contact to the appropriate person)
The Club office is open Monday Wednesday and Friday mornings between 10.00 and 13.00.
Assistants to the Hon. Secretary: Karen Kelly, Sally Davison
Each of the adopted sailing classes within Christchurch Sailing Club has a Class Captain. These Captains help organise the racing programme for their respective classes and will assist the Honorary Sailing Secretary with sailing issues which occur. The Sailing Committee is responsible for all Club sailing matters and usually meets on the second Tuesday of each month. The current Class Captains are listed below.
Class Captains |
Cruiser | Keith Ganter |
Hawk | Tony Milsom |
Class 4 | Russell New |
Junior (Organiser) | Hugh Rayner |
Junior Captain | Georgina Halstead |
de la Feuillade and Mel Bray |
Class 5
Elaine Browett |
David Groom |
Rear Commodore Sailing | Ian Bray |
Assistant Sailing Secretary |
RYA Training Principal | Sally Davison |
Safeguarding Team | SallyAnn Wakeford Welfare Officer (Adults) Ali Forbes and Stu Forbes (Juniors |
Support/ Safety Officer | Richard Stewart |
Club Librarian | Hilary Dancey |
Cruiser Rally Co Ordinator | Martin Spooner |
Club Dinghy Bosun | Ian Bray |
Summer Bosun | Dennis Daly |
Summer Bosun |
Adrian Goodwin
Winter Bosun | Adrian Goodwin |
Junior Core Team Leader | Hugh Rayner |
Junior Administrator | Kate James |
Pirates Coach/ Activities Co-Ordinator |
Hugh Rayner |
Magazine Editor | Alan and Elaine Mutter |
Website Editor | Phil Whiston |
Security Co Ordinator | Stephen Bradley |
Please use the "Contact" Tab to contact the club office, club members can use the Club Directory to contact individual members
The Club rules apply to all members and visitors.
To find the full Christchurch Sailing Club Rules and Bylaws please visit the Downloads section of the website where they can be found.
CSC Rules June 2024.pdf
Articles of Association final version 17.04.23 .pdf
CSC By-laws updated version agreed by board 07.03.2023.pdf
Last updated 15:54 on 17 March 2025