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Home / Visiting CSC

Visiting CSC

CSC Welcomes visiting Yachts

For visitors to CSC, some notes about Christchurch Harbour, berthing, Christchurch town and local facilities.


  • Please contact the Club on 01202 483150 prior to arrival to enquire about the likelihood of berthing availability for your vessel.
  • The Club has limited berthing for visiting yachts on the east side of the club pontoon and during quiet periods the Club wall.
  • 2025 Rates:(Monohulls) Under 7 metres £21 / 7 -  9 metres £27 / 9-11metres £33.00 - Lunchtime stop: over 1 hour £12
  • Vacant moorings may also be available to visitors for short stays.
  • Priority is given to monohull sailing boats under 10m long from recognised sailing/yacht clubs.
  • Alternative Berths may be available at Strides boatyard in the Harbour
    Telephone:  01425 540071 
  • Limited anchoring is possible at the top of the harbour on the port hand side adjacent to the reed beds, clear of the fairway. Boats drawing up to 1m should be able to remain afloat here. Mariners should note that most of the harbour and foreshore is an important Nature Reserve and a designated SSSI.


  • The bar is open Tuesday to Sunday inclusive, at lunchtime and in the evening, food is also available as shown . Check with the Bar & Catering manager for exact times, as these vary through the season.
  • We have water and limited shore power available, at no extra cost, at the pontoon but please use them considerately.
  • The club has free Wifi available in the clubroom and pontoon, the code for which can be obtained from the club office or bar.
  • Weather forecasts are available from a screen in the club room.
  • As well as showers and toilets located off the entrance lobby the club has an accessible 24 hour toilet/shower located at the rear of the building the code for which can be obtained from the office or bar.
  • Christchurch is a thriving town with the centre only a few minutes walk away. There is a Tourist Information Office and many shops and restaurants to suit all palates and wallets!
  • Christchurch is well-provided with marine services including gas, both Calor and Gaz, diesel, engineering, chandlery and lift out. Fuel is available from Avon Marina.

Power Afloat : Avon Marina


During the sailing season the Christchurch Harbour Association lays channel buoys at the harbour entrance and within the harbour and River Stour up to its confluence with the River Avon. Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy in positioning these buoys, mariners must appreciate they can only serve as a guide, especially after spells of heavy weather. In order to aid identification only, there is a single light 2F.G at the eastern end of the car park at Mudeford Quay.

There is a 4 knots speed limit within the harbour and rivers. Christchurch Borough Council and Dorset Police operate patrol boats both inside the harbour and along the beaches outside. Along the shores outside the harbour there are designated zones, marked with yellow buoys, for different users i.e. swimmers, sailboarders, surfers etc.

The tides at Christchurch are very complex. On most days there are 4 high waters every 25 hours. On full springs there is an approximately 4 hours flood from LW to the 1st HW, followed by a lower 2nd HW between 2 and 3 hours later. On neap tides there is an approximately 8 hours flood from LW followed by a 4 5 hours ebb. The 1st HW shown in the tables is only at an arbitrary height.

The Run:

This is very unstable and frequently (sometimes dramatically) changes in both depth and course, especially in the winter. The amount of change is usually considerably less over a settled summer but, none the less, caution should always be exercised! Rates of flow on both the flood and, especially, the ebb can be very strong but rarely in excess of 4 to 5 knots. As a general rule, boats drawing 3'6 should be able to enter/leave for at least 1 hour either side of the higher of the 2 tides given in the tide-table.

Mariners should be aware that there are several factors that may affect the depth of water in the Run and, especially, the harbour. During periods of high pressure the depth of water could be reduced by a foot or more. With a normal range of only about 3 to 5 feet, this can dramatically reduce the available depth.

In fresh to strong winds from the south through to southeast, a dangerous swell with a breaking sea often develops on the bar. Winds from this direction can cause rapid and significant changes to the course and depth of the channel.

Within the harbour at LW the buoyed channel may in places have less than 2 feet of water. Especially on neap tides, for up to 2 hours after LW at the entrance there may be little appreciable increase in depth. Yachts may successfully enter the harbour but then have to anchor to await sufficient depth to proceed up the harbour.

There is approximately a ½ hour difference between HW at the entrance (outside) and at the Club. A yacht departing the Club should depart no later than ½ hour before the given HW time to be at the bar by HW. Solent bound yachts should depart as soon as there is sufficient depth in order to make the Hurst narrows before the Solent ebb starts.


This is best left for you to explore, but if you are a new visitor you get to the High Street by leaving the Club entrance, crossing the stone bridge and going through the gap in the wall, through the car park and on to the road. Then turn right onto the path through the Priory churchyard and out through the iron gates into Church Street, which leads into the High Street. The Tourist Information, branches of most banks, building societies, a Post Office, two supermarkets etc. are all within easy walking distance. Christchurch is on the main Weymouth Waterloo rail line and there is a frequent bus service from the High Street to Bournemouth, Poole, Lymington etc.

For more information on what Christchurch has to offer go to Visit Christchurch


  • If you are arriving by road, a Google map of the Club's location and road directions to us are available on our contact us page.
  • Note: We do not normally have parking available for visitors or guests but there is a large public car park near the club.


Last updated 06:38 on 14 March 2025

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