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Sailing News

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Published 08:09 on 7 Sep 2024

Ladies Sailing News....

Lady sailors and their dedicated helpers marked the penultimate evening of another successful sailing season with a shared picnic smorgasbord feast at Barn Bight Beach. 

Sue Haynes marvelled at the eclectic feast, noting, "It's amazing how everyone brings something different to eat each time, without any planning!" And indeed, they dined like royalty, celebrating the vibrant mix of personalities and characters that are fondly known as The Ladies. 

The Ladies Section

Scow Elbow Race 28th August 

The Scow Elbow Race is one of our traditional scow races. It is an evening race but unusually has a harbour, not club line, start and must include an "elbow" of marks 2, 3 and 4. 

Last Wednesday's race had a "double elbow": 2, 3, 4  on the way out and 4, 3, 2 back to the finish. In ideal sailing conditions,17 scows took part; the best turnout for an Elbow Race for some years. There were plenty of satisfying individual battles throughout the fleet and the race was won by Paul Mecklenburgh in "Captain Beaky", Graham Fairbrass in "Wild Duck " second, Nigel Burt in "Lucky Duck " third. Congratulations to these three and all the competitors.  

Patrick de Laine (Scow Class Captain) 

Dinghy Sailors - Mid Week Reminder

Please read carefully as there are changes to Sunday's scheduled racing.. 

Firstly Saturday, the Autumn Saturday Series, race number 1.. Stuart Percival is RO and start time is 1030.. However, we do still need an Assistant RO so if you are free and fancy a morning on Jupiter with Stuart, please do sign up...

Now for Sunday... CSC are running the Interclub race, which has unfortunately been booked alongside race 4 of the 2Up Cup. We cannot run the 2Up Cup as part of the Interclub and don't have resources to run a separate race, so the 2Up Cup is being postponed to now run alongside the Norman Cummings Trophy race on 14th September..  I am RO for the Interclub on Sunday, the start time is 1030, with 2 races running back to back.. The other Interclub races are on 15th and 29th Sept.. So get them in your diaries..

Ellie will be serving tea, coffee and hot chocolate for everyone from 0830 on Sunday, and may even bring some bacon rolls too..    NOTE TO JUNIORS... This Interclub series will include the Tony Lock Trophy for best CSC Junior, so get the series in your diaries! Freya James is the current holder of the trophy and she is keen to keep hold of it...!

Also... Please make sure you've got the summer prize giving in your diaries too.. It'll be on the evening of Saturday 12th October.. Plan is to have a BBQ with prize giving afterwards ... Full details to be confirmed soon.. 

See you on the water...

If you would like to be on the dinghy WhatsApp group, please use the link below to join, or ask someone to add you.. It's becoming a great little forum to follow and be involved in the club dinghy sailing..

Russell New - Class 4 Captain

Last updated 11:23 on 8 February 2025

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