Membership and Joining
Christchurch Sailing Club welcomes membership applications from anyone with an interest in sailing who is able and willing to take an active part in Club sailing activities. It is not necessary to own a boat since you can crew for other members, but it must be emphasized that a record of active sailing and completion of club duties during your first year of membership will be necessary to confirm continued membership.
Membership Subscription Rates
Subscriptions, which are due on 1st May in any year, should be completed on line.
Single Member | £240.00 | |
Family 2 Members | £355 | |
Family 3 Members | £415.00 | |
Single Veterans | £175.00 | Over the age of 65 years with not less than 10 years' membership. |
Family 2 Veterans | £260.00 | |
Lifelong Membership | £0.00 | Over the age of 90 years with not less than 30 years' full membership. |
Youth Member | £120.00 | Aged between 18 and 23 |
Absentee Members | £60.00 | (Resident outside the UK for at least 9 months of the
calendar year and not owning or part owning any boat kept in Christchurch
Harbour or at the Club) |
Junior Members | £65.00 | Between 12 and 17 years of age. |
Temporary Membership | £60.00 | Available to members of RYA affiliated clubs and previous CSC members for a period of 28 days maximum. |
Entrance Fee (Single) | £97.00 | |
Entrance Fee (Family) | £180.00 | |
Entrance Fee (Family:3) | £190.00 | |
- Who can join?
CSC welcomes membership applications from all those who have an active interest in sailing. You do not need to have any previous experience although it would probably be a good idea to have tried sailing to make sure you like it!
- Must I own a boat?
No. If you plan to crew for other members or acquire a boat later that is fine.
- How much does it cost?
See table above.
- What sorts of boats are sailed?
Various keel boats (yachts) mostly between 21 feet and 32 feet, are raced and used for cruising. Hawk day boats are raced and there are currently four racing classes of dinghies: fast handicap (Finns, Lasers, Wanderers etc.); slow handicap (mostly Mirrors); Scows (a local dinghy) and Toppers (mainly juniors and ladies).
- What organized sailing is there?
During the season (Easter to Christmas) the dinghies race on most Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays with additional, mid-week, evening races in the summer. There ia also a frost bite series (Jan-March) in conjunction with Highcliffe SC. Cruisers and Hawks race most Sundays and some Bank Holidays from Easter to October with some evening races in the summer. Race times vary, depending upon the time of high tide.
There is fortnightly Junior Sailing on Friday evenings during the summer, with a Junior week of sailing organised during the summer holiday,
There are also organized rallies for the cruisers (coastal and cross-Channel) and open race meetings for some classes.
- Can I keep my boat at the Club?
The Club has 130 moorings but, for cruisers, there is a waiting list (generally, longer for larger boats). Dinghy space is also fully used, with priority being given to active sailors.
- How much does boat storage cost?
Costs depend upon size but typical mooring costs for cruisers are around £850 per season with additional charges for storage ashore during the winter. Dinghies vary from around £33 (Optimist) to £109 (Wanderer) for the summer and a similar amount again for the winter. Generally, only those racing can be accommodated in the winter.
- What facilities are provided?
The Club has a good-sized clubroom with a balcony giving lovely views across the rivers. The bar is open most lunchtimes and evenings and also most summer afternoons when there is racing. Hot and cold food is available during most of these times. There is limited car parking. Showers and changing facilities are provided.
- Are there social events?
The Club stages various social events including dinners, dances, food and wine evenings, BBQs and quizzes. There are a range of interest groups who meet regularly at the Club, some all year, others during the winter months. These groups include keep fit and yoga, Photography, Art and Bridge. There is also a winter talks' programme on alternate Wednesday evenings. The Club has 'big screen' facilities and puts on sessions around sporting and special events.
- How do I apply?
Application forms are available from the office, the bar or online (see below)
You can also apply online by clicking on Join at the top of the page. (You will be returned to this page with a link below to start the application process)
On application the Club Office Team will be in contact, to invite you to a prospective members' evening prior to your application being approved. The application process normally takes about a month.
- Any other questions?
CSC New Member Application Form Single 2024.pdf
- CSC New Member Application Form Single 2024.docx
CSC New Member Application Form Couple 2024.pdf
- CSC New Member Application Form Couple 2024.docx
CSC New Member Application Form Family 2024.pdf
- CSC New Member Application Form Family 2024.docx
CSC New Member Application Form Junior 2024.pdf
- CSC New Member Application Form Junior 2024.docx
Last updated 06:53 on 23 March 2025