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Home / News / Last Rally of the 2022 Sailing Season to Yarmouth.
Home / News / Last Rally of the 2022 Sailing Season to Yarmouth.

Last Rally of the 2022 Sailing Season to Yarmouth.

1104449 orig
Published 13:46 on 14 Oct 2022

Last Rally of the 2022 Sailing Season to Yarmouth.

Although the numbers were reduced because of the weather forecast, 20 boats down from 36, those who made it said they enjoyed the rally. In fact someone said, I can't remember who, "it was one of the best rallies they'd been to".

The weather was very variable but fortunately good during the daytime so most of us were out walking, bike riding & exploring. We had an impromptu pontoon party on our boat on Thursday. And because the weather forecast was horrible Friday evening, the Atkins & Spooners offered to host pontoon parties on their boats. As it turned out a number of people had made other arrangements for the evening so only 12 of us piled onto Jim's boat.

There were initially 50 booked for the meal at the Royal Solent but only 28 were able to make it. Bridget wasn't able to attend because of family commitments so Lawrence Crapper said a few words on her behalf.

Hillary and Martin Dancey are stepping down from coordinating the rallies and Susan Spooner had organised a token of appreciation which Lawrence presented to them.

On Sunday after horrendous morning of rain, the sun came out in time to dry out all the cockpit tents, people emerged, socialising & chatting. Passage race was planned for 3pm but there was so little wind most motor sailed home. .

Lynne Bevan (CSC Rally Organiser)

Last updated 13:46 on 14 October 2022

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