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Harbour Olympic Series Report and Scows
14:21 on 22 Jun 2022
 Harbour Olympic Series Report... 17 boats turned out for last weekend's Harbour Olympic Series which was raced in moderate to lively conditions on a rising tide. A good mix of boats, including classes 4, 5 and scows with three Ladies, enjoyed the short course format and the racing was close-fought. Please ignore the C2C results page for the moment - we have found some errors in it. The Provisional results are: 1st Overall and 1st Scow - Graham Fairbrass in Scow 555 2nd Overall, 1st Class 4 and 1st Lady helm - Madelaine Fry in Laser 4.7 201514 3rd Overall - Nigel Burt in Scow 13 First Class 5 - Harry Dendle in Tera Pro 3564 First Junior - Amelia Dendle in Laser 4.7 193265 Well done to all who took part and those who acted as duty crews, particularly Adrian Goodwin and Steve Doe who stepped in at very short notice to helm the escort boats. The excellent photographs were taken by Sarah Desjonqueyres. | |
 Scow Capers News..... Last Wednesday saw around 15 scows out, with two practicing by number two mark and the rest racing through the harbour. The light airs meant that the course set had to be shortened so the whole race became a beat to mark 8. This was good practice but not the best preparation for the weekend's harbour Olympics, which included seven scows! Patrick DeLaine (Scow Class Captain) | |
Last updated 08:46 on 16 March 2025