News 2022
06:41 on 6 Jan 2022
 | | Wishing all our members very Happy and Healthy New Year! | _____________________________________________________________________ | Junior AGM Friday 7th January at 6 45pm. This is a reminder that the Junior AGM will be held on Friday 7th January at 6 45pm at the Sailing Club. The meeting will be face to face unless further restrictions are introduced this week. There will be a review of the 2021 activities and further information about our exciting plans for 2022. The Core Team look forward to welcoming all Junior members and their parents/guardians to this AGM. | _____________________________________________________________________ | 
Polite Reminder........... A member's vehicle was left overnight for 4 days, during the week between Christmas and New Year. No overnight parking in the main carpark, overnight parking is allowed in the rear car park. Bridget Allen, Commodore |
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Winter Talk The German Occupation Of Guernsey The club room will be well vented and warm By Yvonne Shannessy & Philip Le Caer Come and hear how hard life was for the Islanders The German occupation of the Channel Islands lasted for most of World War II, from 30 June 1940 until liberation on 9 May 1945. During the five-year German occupation of Guernsey civilian life became much more difficult. The Channel Islands were the only British territory to be occupied by the Germans during the Second World War. Wednesday 12th January 8 pm |
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REMINDER: CSC Photo Competition Closing date: 31st January 2022 Club Photography competition 2021 - 2022 Competition is open to all CSC members. Entry details
Your photos must be: PRINTS only, Size A4 or 10x8ins Please write your name and entry category on the back of each print Colour or Black & White Hand your entries into the Club Office Category themes: 1. Environment including pollution 2. People 3. Sailing 4. Junior section (under 18yrs) any topic
Results: will be announced at the Club AGM on the 26th March 2022 Roger Allen, Photography group lead |
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CHOOSE YOUR DUTY NOW! Dinghy & Cruiser programmes are now online. Please volunteer as soon as possible to get the duty and date of your choice. Thank you |
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D-trot moorings ground chain replacement work You may have noticed the work has started on schedule. On behalf of the officers, GenCom and club members, I wish to extend thanks to Nick Woolley and his team of member volunteers (the Chain gang) who are working with Russell Murphy and Barry Child to complete the work, sometimes in challenging conditions.
Partial closure of the main car park may be required, members co-operation and patience would be appreciated. Please note the skip is for scrap chain only - not for general rubbish Thank you
| Check out our Facebook page  | Chirstchurch Sailing Club The Quay Christchurch BH23 2BY |
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Last updated 11:23 on 8 February 2025