CSC Open Day
Final preparations are in hand for the Club's Open Day on Sunday 22 May. We hope for good weather and a good turnout. There are lots of interesting displays and activities, with food and drink from the BBQs and new Mobile Bar. So do come along and bring your family and friends for a fun day out.
Please note that the Pontoon and Wall will not be available for mooring from 5pm on Saturday 21 May until 5pm on Sunday 22 May, so please keep them clear during that time.
The front car park will be closed for parking on Sunday 22 May. The overflow car park will be available, together with some limited parking at Elkins Boatyard (with thanks to Matt Elkins). Marshals will be on hand during the day to make sure car parking runs as smoothly as possible.
Gates will open at 10:30, with a formal opening by Geoff Holt of Wet Wheels and the Mayor of Christchurch at 11:00. The event will close by 4pm in good time for Club racing.
Exhibiting this year are Wet Wheels (with river trips), Sailability, the RNLI (including an MOB demonstration), NCI, RYA, Dorset Police Marine Section, South Coast Marine, Avon Marina, The SUP Store, Christchurch Harbour Ornithological Group and Stanpit Wildlife, Nestaway Boats and Amphib Cars.
The Club Photo, Art and Model Yacht Groups will be showing us what they do. A selection of cruisers with Ianthe will be on the Wall and Pontoon and dinghies on the Hard, with owners available to talk about their boats, equipment and sailing experience. Learn about electric outboards, winch maintenance, climbing a mast safely and rope skills. Marvel at the Blindfolded Pirates Rowing Race (yes, seriously).
Music will be provided by Verwood Brass. Food will be available from the new BBQs and the new Outside Bar will get its first use. We will even have an ice cream cart.
There will be a Boat Jumble, the proceeds of which will go to the Junior Fund. If you do have any good quality boat items you are prepared to donate please email
We will also hold a Raffle on the day in support of Wet Wheels and Sailability. If you would like to donate a suitable raffle prize please let me know at
These events don't run themselves so we need volunteer marshals please to work in shifts from 08:30 controlling car parking, helping exhibitors and walking the site during the day to ensure safety and help members of the public find their way around. If you are prepared to help out for an hour or so during the day please email the office at Office at letting them know when you are available during the day and any particular skills you have that might be useful, including first aid.
We are also hoping to put on river trips using a Club launch. If you are Powerboat 11 qualified and prepared to helm please let the Office know.
We look forward very much to seeing you on 22 May.
Martin Dancey
Open Day Organising Team
Last updated 2:39pm on 14 March 2025