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Class 5 AGM

25th November 2022, 09:00 - 21:00

Hello Class 5,
Please find below the minutes from last years AGM and the agenda for tonight's meeting.

Class 5 Annual General Meeting Minutes
30th November 2021 at 7.00pm, Christchurch Sailing Club
Present: Class Captain Keith Barkway (KB), Vice Captain Elaine Browett (EB), Malcolm Hadley (MH), Ann Hadley (AH), Brenda Barkway (BB), Richard Hammond (RH), Paul De La Feuillade (PDLF), Clare De La Feuillade (CDLF), Stuart Percival (SP).
Apologise: Ian Dendle, Stephanie De La Feuillade and Pierre Elena 1.2019 Minutes
The minutes were approved by Richard Hammond and Malcolm Hadley
2. Election of Class 5 Captain
KB welcomed everyone and advised that as he has duties with his role as Vice Commodore and had been Class 5 Captain for 5 years he would like to pass the position to another member of the fleet. EB had been Vice Captain for 2 years and KB proposed that EB should move to Class Captain. EB said that she would be happy to take over the role and the meeting unanimously voted in favour. The meeting thanked EB.
3. Dinghies in Class 5
As the current PY for Class 5 is 1265 the dinghies in the Club that could participate are Mirrors, Toppers, Gulls, Cadets, Oppies, RS Teras and Scows. As the number of Toppers is declining in favour of Laser 4.7, PDLF suggested we change the Club PY to 1208 which will enable Laser 4.7 to race in Class 5 and encourage more ladies and juniors to compete. The proposal will be presented to the Sailing Committee. ACTION EB/PDLF to assist
4. Class 5 Winners 2021 so far
Class 5 winners are: Breakout Series Richard Hammond, Spring Saturday Series Elaine Browett, Evening Series Amelia Dendle, Summer Antics Malcolm Hadley, Summer Series KB, Autumn Saturday Series Elaine Browett, Autumn Sunday Series KB, Class 5 Captain Junior Trophy Harry and Amelia Dendle and the TwoUpCup passes to Class 4 as the winners are Ian and Mel Bray. PDLF and SP suggested we look at the old Class 5 trophies with a view to reintroducing them. They could be used for a Class 5 Tera Cup, Oppie Cup and Laser 4.7 Cup to encourage ladies and juniors. KB has taken to trophies to Vinnys for engraving ready for presentation at the dinner dance. ACTION EB
5. Review of Harbour Cruise and Picnic
The Harbour Cruise and Picnic was a great success in 2019 with 26 dinghies sailing to Mudeford Spit for food, fun and games. In 2021 there was a good turnout on the beach but only 4 dinghies sailed there. The event is open to all classes and is in the programme for next year and will need promoting. KB thanked SP for helping to organise.
ACTION EB/SP to assist
6. Racing Duties
KB gave a brief overview and encouraged all Class 5 to attend the RO and ARO workshops. The importance of sailing duties was emphasised.
7. Class 5 Social Event
The meeting voted to hold a Class 5 social event during 2022, EB said that she would organise this. The date and venue is to be advised. ACTION EB
8. AOB.
PDLF asked if summer storage could be arranged for his Mirror in the long boat shed and that priority should be given to wooden boats. He is prepared to pay a premium. To be followed up with Phil Whiston. ACTION EB
SP and all those attending said they would give any assistance required to support EB in her new role.
KB thanked everyone and congratulated Elaine on her election to Class 5 Captain. The meeting presented KB with a gift to say thank you for his time as Class Captain and he was very appreciative.
With no other business the meeting closed at 7.47pm for food and drinks to be served. Keith Barkway 1/12/2021

Agenda for tonight's AGM

1. Approval of 2021 Minutes
2. Election of Class 5 Captain
3. Review of the TwoUpCup
4. Review of Harbour Cruise 2021
5. Juniors participating in Club Racing
6. Duties
7. Winter Sailors Slip way Cleaning
8. A other business

Hope to see you all tonight 7pm

Happy sailing

Kind regards

Elaine Browett

Last updated 3:12am on 5 September 2024

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